Monday, September 26, 2011

Paint Your Childhood

(I found this wonderful painting online and have to research the artist and get back to you with the credits)

If you were given the task of painting your childhood on canvas, what would we see or what would you see? Would your colors be bright and happy? Would your painting be BLACK and WHITE, no coloring outside the lines? Would your trees be purple and your skies orange? Would you not attempt the task? Would you prefer to pass? Would you even be true to what your childhood really was? Would your painting be magical and fairytale like?

This is my childhood, or the childhood I see NOW! The many strokes it has taken me to get to this canvas the human eye cannot see. The black and white of it no longer defines my world, drifiting into dreams at times but holding steadfast to the Journey at hand.

note to self: Paint, Paint, Paint
note to reader: If you have a childhood painting you would like to share I would love to see it, or hey even a DOODLE


  1. This is awesome! I can't draw a stick person much less paint However, you have provoked me to think about that when my mind is clearer. I have it bookmarked to come back to it.

  2. YAY!!! YOU MADE MY DAY I miss ya, wish we could take the Creative Writing Class Again Together! I made you think, that is my whole point....My work is working....I LOVE TO PROVOKE thinking!! You made my day you have no idea, blessing to you Dear Little Cajun Girl


I welcome any comments....

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