Monday, April 11, 2011

My Secret Garden - Open Wide

In finding ones self we find so much more
Where are the answers? They lie within our souls
The root of every tree goes deep into the earth
What all of us wants is to be understood
Truth is that if you don't search inside of yourself
For truly who YOU ARE
How can you really know what you want
Robots are just that, robotical instruments
They lack feeling and depth
A HUMAN BEING has Heart and Soul
Red blood does circulate within these veins
If you are always pleasing everyone else
How can you EVER BE HAPPY?
I prefer not to hurt other people or see them hurt
Sometimes it is through the HURT that we find
TRUTH of the person that was looking at us
In the mirror, although it is not the mirror that we see
It is the SOUL

Open Wide and Growing with my CONSTANT GARDENER
No admission necessary
FREE to all those who come to visit

Note to Mom and Dad: Thank you for tending MY SECRET GARDEN
You have truly shown me what TRUE LOVE IS

Note to My friends: Thank you for loving me even when I didn't know how to love

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